Here they are — the pictures from the wedding! Oh, but there are so many more where these came from too! Head over to my Flickr album to see the whole kit-and-caboodle. I apologize for the fact that they are out of order, but who cares! They're beautiful. Thank you so much, Austin.
I can't believe it's all over, and we've been married for a little over a month now. The planning was so much fun and I'm so glad we did things the way we did. After we were engaged, which lasted almost a year and a half, we immediately started preparing.
We bought, borrowed, and inherited various cake pedestals, table clothes, mason jars, napkins, and vintage plates. Everyone had their own little napkin, glass and plate, and that's what we really wanted: a special wedding that felt comfortable, home-cooked (which it was) and thoughtful. I couldn't have done it without my mom (who almost killed herself, worrying about every details), dad, sister, grandparents (who let us host the event on their farm in Lone Jack), friends and other just friendly people who participated in the day.
And what a day it was. First of all, it was hot as hell during the ceremony, which was held at 3 in the afternoon in direct sun. I figured, in late September, we were in the clear — but no.
Our good friend Rachel married us on that lovely heated day. And with exception of dinner, I got more compliments on the ceremony than anything else! Rachel was so amazing: she set aside time for our guests to meet other guests (because we were all one big "family" on that day), gave Sean and I an official moment to soak it all in, and spoke to everyone through the deep root that ties us all together — love. She is so wonderful.
The old-timey entertainment and dinner was fantastic. Composed of all kinds of family recipes, made by family members, with PBR, Old Overholt, tea and lemonade to wash it all down, there were zero left-overs. Everyone was enjoying their dining situation until it began to pour, lighting and thunder.
There was hesitation from the band to start playing because they we're originally supposed to play on the gazebo, but instead they moved to the front porch for a cozy and covered acoustic performance. Both my grandfathers tried to enjoy the music from a tree swing, but the wood rot got the best of them, and they were on the ground before they both knew it; They thought it was hilarious. The night's fiasco's finally ended with an explosion from the bonfire from God knows what. Then we all ran out of fuel and the night was finished with coffee and hot toddys.
I loved everything about this day. Despite all the unexpected hiccups, I was actually told "you guys are having my dream wedding." It was such a dream — I can't believe it's over now. I love Sean so much and I'm so happy everyone was there to witness it. Thanks again, everyone. You all mean so much to us.